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Solenoid Valve

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Pulse valve has just one moving part that is the diaphragm. The unique spring-less construction provides fast opening and closing of valve. The high speed operation saves compressed air, helps to provide shock air wave for dislodging of dust from filter bags .High flow, long life and fast diaphragm action produce reliable and economical operation.

Aakash Enterprises offers both integral and remote solenoid valves. Remote solenoid valves are mounted in a separate enclosure. We can provide pulse valves of 3/4”, 1”, 11/2”and 2” sizes, based on your requirements. Double diaphragm offers some advantages over single diaphragm valves.

Valves are available with various control voltages rating 24V DC/110V AC/230V AV etc.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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Axial Flow Fans, Bag Filter, Bag Supporting Cages, Blower Metal, Blowers, Cartridge Filter, Cartridges, Centrifugal Blowers, Collecting Electrode, Cyclones, Discharge Electrode, Dust Collectors, Electrostatic Accessories, Electrostatic Precipitator, Esp Maintenance, Filter Bags, Filter Cages, Gas Distribution Screen, Heaters, High Pressure Blower Fan, High Pressure Blowers, High Vacuum Blowers, Insulator, Lobe Blower, Medium Pressure Blowers, Ms Blowers, Multi Cyclones, Multistage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers, Pneumatic Tensioning Tool, Pressure Blowers, Ptfe Membrane Laminated Bags, Pulse Jet Bag House, Radial Blowers, Rapping Hammer, Regenerative Blowers, Reverse Air Bag House, Reverse Air Bag House Accessories, Reverse Air Bags, Ring Blowers, Rotary Air Lock Valves, Screw Conveyors, Scrubbers, Sequential Controller, Shaker Bag Filter, Side Channel Blowers, Single Stage Fabricated Centrifugal Blowers, Solenoid Valve, Turbine Blower Unit, Turbine Blower Units, Turbine Blowers, Turbine Loader, Turbine Loaders, Turbo Blowers, Vacuum Blower, Vacuum Blowers, Vacuum Turbine Blower, Venturies, Vortex Blowers, Woven Fiber Glass